Thursday, May 30, 2013

This week's quilted project

I finished another one today! I've never finished two quilts in a week. Granted...they're both baby quilts. But it's a start, right? It's a step in the right direction, I'm finishing things, and progressing toward quilting my bigger tops, while practicing on my smaller ones.

Anyway, this is my newest finish!

This is the bonus baby quilt top that I made from the cut off corners of my most recent mystery quilt design, called Waste Not, Want Not! which is available in my Craftsy shop and comes with directions to make TWO bonus baby quilt tops from those little corners that I used to just throw away! (I was so wasteful in my quilting youth LOL)

I did an all over loopy stitch. As I went along, I could see my stitch length getting more consistent and my movement getting better overall. But...(you knew there would be a but! LOL) I did also notice my loopies get smaller and tighter. I guess that's a good thing, I just wish it hadn't happened halfway through a quilt! But that's ok, that's why I'm practicing, right?

I have decided to load up my Window to My Soul quilt on the frame next. It's almost all loaded...but I apparently laid my batting on there 90 degrees off, so it's too short and too wide LOL I trimmed off the extra, so I'll just stitch it onto the bottom and that'll be enough!


  1. Very colourful, I particularly like the border fabric.

  2. Great quilts! I love the stained glass look of Windows To My Soul!
